
Dark walks

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Hello to Amici, Desert Pups, and all you other wild and crazy dog bloggers!
I don't know what's going on, but Rarf always makes me go for walks when it's still dark in the morning now (when I'm still trying to get my beauty sleep!), and after it's dark at night. When it's light out, she's not home. And we don't go to the track any more, or the quarry: we seem to stay on sidewalks and streets with no fields for me to tear around. I don't get it. She doesn't seem too happy about it either. And I haven't been swimming much lately either.
On the other hand, she has been playing soccer and stick in the yard with me at lunchtime---and I have to say that I skunk her every time.
By the way, I got weighed at the vet this week and at 10 months old I am 97 svelte newfie pounds!

1 comment:

  1. Woof Ciara,

    The nerve of making you take walks while you're trying to get your beauty sleep. What is going on? Hope you're doing well in spite of the early morning outings.

    Desert Pups


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